%0 Journal Article %T 授权型领导对于员工幸福感的影响研究
The Influence of Empowering Leadership on Employee Well-Being %A 徐文曦 %A 符谢红 %J Service Science and Management %P 183-191 %@ 2324-7916 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/SSEM.2024.132023 %X 采用问卷调查法,以456名在职或者有过真实工作经历的员工为研究对象,探究授权性领导对于员工幸福感的影响机制。以资源保存理论以及工作要求–资源理论为基础,构建以授权型领导为自变量、促进型工作重塑为中介变量、员工幸福感为因变量、成长需求强度为调节变量的理论模型。结果显示:授权型领导正向影响员工幸福感;促进型工作重塑在授权型领导与员工幸福感的关系中起到部分中介作用;成长需求强度负向调节授权型领导与促进型工作重塑之间的关系。
Using the questionnaire survey method, 456 employees who are currently employed or have real work experience were selected as the research objects to explore the influence mechanism of em-powering leadership on employee well-being. Based on resource conservation theory and job de-mands-resources theory, this study constructs a theoretical model with empowering leadership as the independent variable, promotion-focused job crafting as the mediating variable, employee well-being as the dependent variable, and growth need strength as the moderating variable. The results show that empowering leadership positively affects employee well-being; promo-tion-focused job crafting plays a partial mediating role between empowering leadership and well-being. Growth need strength negatively moderates the relationship between empowering leadership and promotion-focused job crafting. %K 授权型领导,员工幸福感,工作重塑,成长需求强度
Empowering Leadership %K Employee Well-Being %K Job Crafting %K Growth Need Strength %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=82535