%0 Journal Article %T 资源保存理论视角下服务型领导的负面影响
The Negative Impact of Servant Leadership from the Perspective of Resource Conservation Theory %A 李宏 %A 王晓妍 %J Service Science and Management %P 192-201 %@ 2324-7916 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/SSEM.2024.132024 %X 在当前复杂的商业环境下,以舍己利他为导向的服务型领导承担着高于一般领导者的角色压力。然而,以往研究大都关注服务型领导行为对组织、团队和员工的正面影响,忽视了对领导者自身产生的负面影响考察。基于此,本研究根据资源保存理论,探讨了服务型领导行为对自身情绪耗竭和离职倾向的作用过程及其边界条件。通过对251份领导–员工有效配对问卷进行数据分析,结果表明:服务他人会让领导者产生情绪耗竭,进而促使其产生离职倾向。情绪共情正向调节服务型领导行为与自身情绪耗竭的关系;而认知共情负向调节服务型领导行为与自身情绪耗竭的关系。以上结果拓宽了服务型领导行为的研究视角,对服务型领导的情绪管理及未来的研究提供了新的启发。
In the current complex business environment, servant leaders who are altruistic and self-sacrificing bear higher role pressure than ordinary leaders. However, most of the previous studies focused on the positive impact of servant leadership behavior on organizations, teams and employees, ignoring the negative impact on leaders themselves. Based on the conservation of resource theory, this study discusses the effect of servant leadership behavior on emotional exhaustion and turnover intention and its boundary conditions. A data analysis of 251 effective leader-employee pairing question-naires shows that serving others leads to emotional exhaustion in leaders and leads to turnover in-tention. Emotional empathy positively regulates the relationship between servant leadership be-havior and emotional exhaustion. Cognitive empathy negatively moderates the relationship be-tween servant leadership behavior and emotional exhaustion. The above results broaden the re-search perspective of servant leadership behavior, and provide new inspiration for the emotional management of servant leaders and future research. %K 服务型领导行为,情绪耗竭,离职倾向,情绪共情,认知共情
Servant Leadership Behavior %K Emotional Exhaustion %K Turnover Intention %K Emotional Empathy %K Cog-nitive Empathy %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=82536