%0 Journal Article %T Risk Factors for Neonatal Mortality at the Institute of Nutrition and Child Health of the Donka/Guinea-Conakry National Hospital %A Bangoura Mmah Aminata %A Koli¨¦ Ouo Ouo %A Camara Sal¨¦matou Hassimiou %A Bald¨¦ Mariama %A Bangoura Kaba %A Diop Mamadou Moustapha %A Camara Emmanuel %A Diallo Fatoumata Binta %A Doukour¨¦ Mamadou Aliou %A Mamadou Mouctar Sow %A B¨¦my P¨¦ N¨¦abey %J Open Journal of Pediatrics %P 327-337 %@ 2160-8776 %D 2024 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ojped.2024.142032 %X Introduction: The birth of a baby is a moment of joy and celebration. However, the neonatal period is a very delicate phase of life. Neonatal mortality rates remain high in low-income countries. In Guinea, after 20 years, this rate has fallen from 34.2% in 1998 to 32% in 2018. Objective: To identify the main risk factors for neonatal mortality. Methods: This was an observational, analytical case-control study, lasting 6 months from January 1 to June 30, 2019, conducted at the Institut de Nutrition et de la Sant¨¦ de lˇŻEnfant (INSE) at Donka National Hospital. Results: We collected 242 cases and 242 controls, i.e. a total of 484 records. 748 patients were registered, with 32.35% deaths. 82.86% of deaths occurred in the early neonatal period. Statistical analysis revealed the main risk factors: prematurity (RQ 7.39 95% CI 3.27 - 16.61 p = 0.0000003), hypothermia (RQ 2.29 95% CI 1.51 -