%0 Journal Article %T 网络视频平台中双边定价机制探讨
Discussion on Two-Sided Pricing Mechanism in Network Video Platform %A 李薇 %J Management Science and Engineering %P 345-350 %@ 2167-6658 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/MSE.2024.132034 %X 网络视频平台作为一种新兴的双边平台,通过发布优质的视频内容吸引消费者,并向广告商收取广告费用以盈利。这种双边定价机制区别于传统媒体行业的定价模式,对视频平台的管理模式提出了新的挑战。本文介绍了网络视频平台的发展历程和商业模式,以及双边市场理论在网络视频平台中的应用,最后对网络视频平台双边定价机制作了概述,并进行了总结和分析。
As a kind of emerging two-sided platform, network video platform attracts consumers by releasing high-quality video content, and charges advertising fees to advertisers for profits. This kind of two-sided pricing mechanism is different from the pricing model of traditional media industry, which poses new challenges to the management model of video platforms. This paper introduces the development history and business model of network video platforms, as well as the application of two-sided market theory in network video platforms. Finally, this paper summarizes and analyzes the two-sided pricing mechanism of network video platforms. %K 网络视频平台,双边市场,定价机制,广告投放
Network Video Platform %K Two-Sided Market %K Pricing Mechanism %K Advertising %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=82596