%0 Journal Article %T 校企合作的传统中小企业品牌出海路径研究——以义乌欧泽为例
A Study on the Path of Traditional Small and Medium Sized Enterprise Brands Going Abroad through School Enterprise Cooperation—A Case Study of Ouze in Yiwu %A 陈嘉欣 %A 胡建海 %A 蒋柯莹 %A 李梦丹 %A 李安 %A 程钧豪 %J World Economic Research %P 21-31 %@ 2167-6615 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/WER.2024.131003 %X 聚焦在全球数字化变革背景下,传统中小企业发展面临着内贸乏力、外贸转型新困境,本文将以“教育、科技、人才一体化发展”国家战略思想为指导,着力研究。以义乌中小型企业为研究对象,通过文献搜集、实地调研走访等方式,了解到义乌传统中小企业在转型过程中面临“缺乏数字化战略”、“缺乏数字化技术人才”、“缺乏国际营销手段”等痛点,通过“制定数字化转型规划”、“校企合作培养人才”,“制定营销方案”等运营策略,进一步分析传统中小企业品牌出海的路径,并建构一套适用于传统中小企业数字化转型的通用策略,从而实现品牌出海和高质量发展。
Focusing on the global digital transformation, traditional small and medium-sized enterprises are facing new challenges in domestic trade and foreign trade transformation. This article will focus on the national strategic idea of “integrated development of education, technology, and talent” and focus on research. Taking small and medium-sized enterprises in Yiwu as the research object, through literature collection, field research and visits, we have learned that traditional small and medium-sized enterprises in Yiwu face pain points such as “lack of digital strategy”, “lack of digital technology talents”, and “lack of international marketing methods” in the transformation process. Through operational strategies such as “formulating digital transformation plans”, “school enterprise cooperation to cultivate talents”, and “formulating marketing plans”, further analyze the path of traditional small and medium-sized enterprise brands going global, and construct a universal strategy suitable for digital transformation of traditional small and medium-sized enterprises, in order to achieve brand going global and high-quality development. %K 校企合作,品牌出海,数字化转型,营销策略
School Enterprise Cooperation %K Brand Going Global %K Digital Transformation %K Marketing Strategy %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=82640