%0 Journal Article %T 八段锦改善阿尔茨海默病患者认知功能的科学证据
Scientific Evidence of Baduanjin Improving Cognitive Function in Patients with Cognitive Impairment %A 唐琼英 %A 车土玲 %A 苏裕盛 %J Open Journal of Nature Science %P 278-287 %@ 2330-1732 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/OJNS.2024.122032 %X 阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer’s Disease, AD)是一种常见的与年龄相关的神经退行性疾病,其发病特征主要表现为认知功能障碍、语言能力、生活自理能力下降等。AD的发病机制复杂多样,目前尚未研制出治愈AD的药品。因此,非药物干预在治疗AD的过程中逐渐占据重要地位。八段锦主要从身心方面出发,通过心智对大脑的调节,疏通经络,活血化瘀,以动静相兼、柔和缓慢的动作,从而达到加强生理与心理建设的目的。有研究表明八段锦对AD的防治有一定的疗效作用。为探究八段锦对AD患者认知功能影响的作用机制,本文从文献分析出发,综合AD的发病机制与八段锦的功效及作用,发现长期坚持八段锦能改善大脑海马体结构功能,并减缓AD大脑海马体萎缩的速度,增加双侧海马体和前额叶之间静息功能的连接,增大左内侧颞叶的灰质体积,从而改善AD患者大脑的结构和功能,进一步改善AD患者的生活质量认知功能。因此,长期坚持八段锦可能会在一定程度上预防AD的发生,减缓AD的发病。但现有研究尚不能科学、全面地介绍八段锦改善AD的作用机制,未来仍需投入更多的临床试验以提供更权威的报道。
Alzheimer’s disease (Alzheimer’s Diseases, AD) is a common neurodegenerative disease associ-ated with age, the onset characteristics mainly for cognitive dysfunction self-care ability, language, life, etc. The pathogenesis of AD is complicated, has been developed to cure AD. Therefore, non-pharmacological interventions gradually play an important role in the treatment of AD. Baduanjin mainly starts from the physical and mental aspects, through the regulation of the mind to the brain, dredging meridians, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, with gentle and slow movements, so as to achieve the purpose of strengthening the physical and psychological construction. Some studies have shown that Baduanjin has a certain curative effect on the prevention and treatment of AD. To explore the mechanism of Baduanjin on cognitive function in patients with AD, based on the literature analysis, this paper summarizes the pathogenesis of AD and the efficacy and role of Baduanjin. It is found that long-term use of Baduanjin can improve the structure and function of the hippocampus, slow down the atrophy of the hip-pocampus, increase the connectivity between the bilateral hippocampus and the prefrontal lobe, and increase the gray matter volume of the left medial temporal lobe, so as to improve the brain structure and function of AD patients. To further improve the quality of life and cognitive func-tion of AD patients. Therefore, longterm adherence to Baduanjin may prevent the occurrence of AD and slow down the onset of AD to a certain extent. However, the existing studies cannot scientifically and comprehensively introduce the mechanism of Baduanjin in improving AD, and more clinical trials are needed to provide more authoritative reports in the future. %K 阿尔茨海默病,八段锦,认知障碍,海马区
Alzheimer’s Disease %K Baduanjin %K Cognitive Impairment %K Hippocampus %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=82576