%0 Journal Article %T 农业供应链金融可持续减贫问题研究
Research on Sustainable Poverty Reduction in Agricultural Supply Chain Finance %A 余永丹 %A 赵世棠 %A 刘润果 %A 倪林业 %A 窦亚芹 %J Finance %P 469-474 %@ 2161-0975 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/FIN.2024.142051 %X 创新金融服务,推进农业供应链稳定发展;发挥管理作用,助推农业供应链低碳转型;优化协调功能,提升农业供应链综合收益,是农业供应链金融实现可持续减贫的内在机理。政策引导和市场驱动是农业供应链金融可持续减贫的外源动力机制;金融转型和产业升级是推进农业供应链金融可持续减贫的内源动力。当前,农业供应链金融可持续减贫面临的人才、技术和制度方面存在的问题,从加大复合型人才培养力度、加强数字化技术融合应用和建立健全制度服务体系提出对策建议。
Innovating financial services to promote stable development of agricultural supply chains; playing a management role to promote low-carbon transformation of agricultural supply chains; optimizing coordination functions and enhancing the comprehensive income of agricultural supply chains are the inherent mechanisms for achieving sustainable poverty reduction in agricultural supply chain finance. Policy guidance and market drive are external driving mechanisms for sustainable poverty reduction in agricultural supply chain finance; financial transformation and industrial upgrading are the internal driving forces for promoting sustainable poverty reduction in agricultural supply chain finance. At present, the sustainable poverty reduction in agricultural supply chain finance faces problems in terms of talent, technology, and institutions. Suggestions and countermeasures are proposed from increasing the training of composite talents, strengthening the integration and application of digital technology, and establishing a sound institutional service system. %K 农业供应链金融,可持续减贫,数字技术
Agricultural Supply Chain Finance %K Sustainable Poverty Reduction %K Digital Technique %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=82749