%0 Journal Article %T 基于文献计量法的长江流域古洪水研究进展与展望
Progress and Prospects of Paleoflood Research in Yangtze River Basin Based on Bibliometric Method %A 任帅 %A 贾雨晗 %A 祝英子 %A 艾翠翠 %A 李婷 %A 曹静 %A 李晓刚 %J Journal of Water Resources Research %P 1-8 %@ 2166-5982 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %X 将中国知网收录近30年来发表的学术期刊论文和博士硕士学位论文作为研究的最新数据来源,回顾了长江流域古洪水研究的发展历程,以2011年为界可以划分为两个阶段。陕西师范大学和南京大学等5个科研团队贡献了长江流域古洪水研究的80.7%的论文数量。从古洪水事件判别、古洪水水文学重建、古洪水事件年代确定、环境考古和溃决古洪水等5个方面阐述了长江流域古洪水研究新进展。从全流域集成、千年时间尺度、大气环流驱动、数值模拟与预测等4个方面对长江流域古洪水研究进行了展望。
This paper reviewed the development process of paleoflood research in the Yangtze River Basin using ac-ademic journal papers and doctoral and master’s theses published in the past 30 years as the latest data source that come from China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI). With 2011 as the boundary, it can be divided into two stages. Five research teams, including Shaanxi Normal University and Nanjing Univer-sity, contributed 80.7% of the research papers on paleofloods in the Yangtze River Basin. This article elaborates on the new progress in the study of paleofloods from five aspects: discrimination of paleoflood events, reconstruction of paleoflood hydrology, determination of paleoflood event ages, environmental ar-chaeology, and burst paleoflood. This paper provides a prospect for the study of paleofloods in the Yangtze River Basin from four aspects: whole basin integration, millennium time scale, atmospheric circulation driving, numerical simulation and prediction. %K 长江流域,古洪水,文献计量法,研究进展
Yangtze River Basin %K Paleoflood %K Bibliometric Method %K Research Progress %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=82826