%0 Journal Article %T 对贝卡利亚刑法解释体系的反思与现代化修正
The Reflection on Beccaria’s Interpretation of Criminal Law and Modernization Revisions %A 任朝研 %J Interdisciplinary Science Letters %P 24-30 %@ 2574-416X %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ISL.2024.81004 %X 贝卡利亚作为近代资产阶级刑法的鼻祖,曾在《论犯罪与刑罚》中构建了立法权与解释权相融合、司法权与解释权相分离的刑法解释体系,并由此衍生出了极端的罪刑法定原则。这一体系在当时具有划时代的意义。但是,贝卡利亚过分否定法官的解释权,且忽略了学理解释对刑法活动的重要作用。笔者基于对贝卡利亚刑罚解释体系的启发,认为应当重视、提倡学理解释,对有权解释进行程序限制和内容审查,并建立对刑法解释内容合理性的客观标准,以完善我国的刑法解释体系。
As the originator of bourgeois criminal law in modern times, Beccaria had constructed an interpre-tation system of criminal law in On Crime and Punishment, in which the legislative power and the explanatory power were combined, and the judicial power and the explanatory power were sepa-rated, and thus derived the extreme principle of legality of crime and punishment. This system had epoch-making significance at that time. However, Beccaria overnegates the judge’s power of inter-pretation and ignores the important role of theoretical interpretation in criminal law activities. Based on the inspiration of Beccaria’s penal interpretation system, the author thinks that we should attach importance to and advocate theoretical interpretation, restrict the procedure and review the content of the authorized interpretation, and establish the objective standard of the rationality of the content of the interpretation of criminal law, so as to perfect the system of the interpretation of criminal law in our country. %K 法哲学,刑法有权解释,学理解释,罪刑法定主义
Philosophy of Law %K Authoritative Interpretation of Criminal Law %K Academic Interpretation of Criminal Law %K The Principle of Legality %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=82781