%0 Journal Article %T 基于层次分析法的疾控机构人才发展指数评价指标体系的构建
Construction of Evaluation Index System of Talent Development Index of Center for Dis-ease Control and Prevention Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process %A 陈赛娟 %A 段甜甜 %A 周鑫云 %A 陈英 %A 王秋婷 %A 安云逸 %A 幸奠国 %A 张燕 %J Service Science and Management %P 212-219 %@ 2324-7916 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/SSEM.2024.132026 %X 疾控机构人才队伍是处理突发公共卫生事件的专业力量,是公共卫生健康服务体系的关键所在。本文旨在针对疾控机构的人才发展建立起一套统一规范的评价标准,通过结合人才发展相关政策、文献以及疾控机构人才发展特点,运用专家咨询法、层次分析法构建了涵盖人才规模、人才结构、人才流动、人才创新和人才环境五个维度的疾控机构人才发展指数评价指标体系。构建的指标体系可为疾病预防控制机构人才发展和人才队伍建设的优化提供科学依据和参考方向。
The talent team of center for disease control and prevention (CDCs) is the professional force to deal with public health emergencies and is the key to the public health service system. This paper aims to establish a set of unified and standardized evaluation standards for the talent development of CDCs. By combining the relevant policies and literature on talent development and the characteris-tics of talent development in CDCs, we have constructed the evaluation index system of talent de-velopment index for CDCs, which covers five dimensions, namely, the scale of talent, the structure of talent, the mobility of talent, the innovation of talent and the environment of talent, by using the method of expert consulting and analytic hierarchy process. The constructed index system can pro-vide scientific basis and reference direction for the optimization of talent development and talent team construction of center for disease control and prevention. %K 疾控机构,人才发展指数,评价指标体系,专家咨询,层次分析法
Center for Disease Control and Prevention %K Talent Development Index %K Evaluation Index System %K Expert Consultation %K Analytic Hierarchy Process %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=82847