%0 Journal Article %T 混合型忆阻–CMOS在数据选择电路中的应用——基于忆阻器的与非门电路
The Application of Hybrid Memristor-CMOS in Data Selection Circuits—And Not Gate Circuit Based on Memristor %A 姬博宇 %A 李彤 %A 李承慧 %A 黄雪婷 %J Optoelectronics %P 12-18 %@ 2164-5469 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/OE.2024.141002 %X 针对忆阻器具有记忆功能的特点,根据阈值型忆阻器模型建立其忆阻等效电路。以忆阻等效电路和CMOS管为核心,搭建一种混合型忆阻-CMOS逻辑的与非门电路,PSPICE软件的仿真结果验证电路功能的正确性。将忆阻器等效电路连接到实物电路中进行测试,测试结果与仿真结果基本吻合,验证混合型忆阻-CMOS逻辑的与非门电路的可行性。
According to the characteristics of the memristor with memory function, the memristor equiva-lent circuit is established based on the threshold memristor model. Based on the memristor equivalent circuit and CMOS tube as the core, a hybrid memristor-CMOS logic, and non gate circuit is built. The simulation results of PSPICE software verify the correctness of the circuit function. The equivalent circuit of the memristor is connected to the real circuit for testing. The test results are basically consistent with the simulation results and the feasibility of hybrid memristor-CMOS logic and non gate circuit is verified. %K 忆阻器,忆阻等效电路,与非门电路,PSPICE
Memristor %K Memristor Equivalent Circuit %K And Not Gate Circuit %K PSPICE %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=82944