%0 Journal Article %T 浅谈含硫深井排水采气工艺技术现状
Brief Discussion on the Status Quo of Deep Sulfur-Bearing Well Drainage and Gas Production Technology %A 毛珍 %A 赵丹 %A 杨辉 %A 冯兆阳 %A 唐书傲 %J Journal of Oil and Gas Technology %P 68-78 %@ 2471-7207 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/JOGT.2024.461009 %X 为延缓气藏水侵、提高气藏采收率,开展排水采气是气藏治水的主要手段。目前较为成熟的排水采气技术主要有泡排、电潜泵、气举等,但针对含硫深井排水采气工艺处于探索阶段。本文针对含硫深井排水采气工艺发展情况并结合龙岗气田、龙王庙组等气藏工艺运用现状,论证了气举、泡排以及电潜泵排水采气在含硫深井排水的中适应性,并为同类气井排水采气提供了借鉴。
In order to delay water invasion of gas reservoir and improve recovery factor, water drainage gas production is the main method of water control in gas reservoir. At present, the mature drainage gas production technology mainly includes bubble drainage, electric submersible pump, gas lift, etc. In view of the development of deep sulfur-bearing well drainage gas production technology and the application status of gas reservoirs such as Longgang gas field and Longwangmiao Formation, the adaptability of gas lift, bubble drainage and electric submersible pump in deep sulfur- bearing well drainage is demonstrated, which provides a reference for similar gas wells drainage gas production. %K 气举,泡排,电潜泵,含硫深井,排水采气
Gas Lift %K Bubble Row %K Electric Submersible Pump %K Deep Sulfur-Bearing Wells %K Drainage Gas Production %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=82979