%0 Journal Article %T Eyelid Kaposi Sarcoma in HIV-Negative Patient %A Malalaniaina Andrianarison %A Malala Razakanaivo %A Rindra Rafanomezantsoa %A Mendrika Fifaliana Rakotoarisaona %A Odilon Laza %A Fandresena Arilala Sendrasoa %A Irina Mamisoa Ranaivo %A L¨¦a Raobela %A Lala Soavina Ramarozatovo %A Fahafahantsoa Rapelanoro Rabenja %J Journal of Cancer Therapy %P 92-97 %@ 2151-1942 %D 2024 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/jct.2024.153010 %X Introduction: Kaposi sarcoma disease is a proliferative and multifocal disorder with dual components, vascular and fibroblastic cellular, cutaneous and visceral expression. Kaposi Sarcoma can affect the ocular surface and adnexa and can masquerade as other entities, delaying prompt diagnosis can lead to diagnostic wandering delaying treatment. Our aim is to describe a case of KS of the eyelid in an HIV seronegative patient. Case Presentation: A seventy-year-old man developed a bilateral growing tumoral reddish purple vascular mass on both the lower and upper eyelid involving rapidly for 6 months. Both feet and the two shanks show the presence of a brown-violet tumor-shaped formation. The patient was negative for HIV. Histology examination showed a nodular tumor-like mass with a fibro hemangioma-epitheliomatous. Polymerase chain reaction was positive for human herpes virus 8. Initial chemotherapy followed by surgery was proposed to the patient. Unfortunately, the patient rejected treatment and was lost to follow-up. Conclusion: This case reports the difficulty of managing KS in developing countries. %K Eyelid %K HHV-8 %K Interferon %K Kaposi Sarcoma %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=131975