%0 Journal Article %T Observation about the Classical Electromagnetic Gauge Transformation and Its Quantum Correspondence %A Gustavo V. L¨®pez %A Jorge A. Lizarraga %J Journal of Modern Physics %P 474-479 %@ 2153-120X %D 2024 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/jmp.2024.154022 %X Using the Landau and symmetric gauges for the vector potential of a constant magnetic field and the quantum problem of a charged particle moving on a flat surface, we show the classical electromagnetic gauge transformation does not correspond to a one-dimensional unitary group transformation U(1) of the wave function for the quantum case. In addition, with the re-examination of the relation between the magnetic field B and its vector potential  A, we found that, in order to have a consistent formulation of the dynamics of the charged particle with both expressions, we must have that B=∇×A if and only if B≠0. %K Gauge Transformation %K Harmonic Oscillator %K Quantum Hall Effect %K Electromagnetic Potentials %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=132080