%0 Journal Article %T 基于网络货运平台的中欧班列货源组织优化
Optimization on Source Organization for the China-Europe Express Based on Network Freight Platform %A 孙君静 %A 丁浩楠 %A 邢惠尧 %A 武广娜 %A 赵鲁华 %J Management Science and Engineering %P 400-410 %@ 2167-6658 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/mse.2024.132042 %X 本文提出了基于网络货运平台的中欧班列货运组织形式,构建了以总运输成本、总时间最小化为目标的双目标优化模型。基于网络货运平台的车货匹配模型选择车源,基于NSGA-II算法求解模型。通过算例分析,对货源地城市的货运订单进行集聚优化,确定了货源组织方案及集聚地城市,验证了模型和算法的有效性,可有效提升中欧班列的货源集聚效率。
This paper put forward the source organization form of China-Europe Express based on the network freight platform, and constructed a two-objective optimization model with the minimization of total transportation cost and total time as the objective. Vehicle-cargo matching model based on network freight platform selected vehicle source, and solved the model based on NSGA-II algorithm. Through the analysis of examples, the agglomeration optimization of orders in the source city was carried out, the source organization scheme and the agglomeration city were determined, and the effectiveness of the model and algorithm was verified, which could effectively improve the source organization efficiency of China-Europe Express. %K 中欧班列,网络货运,运输组织,货源组织优化
The China-Europe Express %K Network Freight %K Transportation Organization %K Source Organization Optimization %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=83301