%0 Journal Article %T 员工组织承诺对其角色外行为的影响研究——基于员工心理所有权的中介作用和员工积极性的调节作用
Research on the Influence of Organizational Commitment on Employees’ Extra-Role Behavior—Based on the Mediating Effect of Employee Psychological Ownership and the Moderating Effect of Employee Enthusiasm %A 姜洋 %J Management Science and Engineering %P 417-427 %@ 2167-6658 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/mse.2024.132044 %X 文章建立了以组织承诺为自变量、员工心理所有权为中介变量、员工角色外行为为因变量、员工工作积极性为调节变量的模型,探究了组织承诺对员工角色外行为的影响。以154名国内企业的员工为调查对象,结果表明:具有较高水平组织承诺的员工能够通过正向影响员工的心理所有权感知来促进员工角色外行为的产生和发展。研究证实,员工的工作积极性在心理所有权感知和员工角色外行为之间起正向调节作用,即当员工具有较高水平的心理所有权时,在高工作积极性的调节下能够促进角色外行为的发生。
In this paper, a model with organizational commitment as the independent variable, employee psychological ownership as the intermediary variable, employee’s extra-role behavior as the dependent variable and employee work enthusiasm as the moderating variable was established to explore the impact of organizational commitment on employee’s extra-role behavior. Based on 154 employees in domestic enterprises, the results show that employees with a higher level of organizational commitment can promote the emergence and development of employees’ extra-role behaviors by positively affecting their psychological ownership perception. Research has confirmed that employees’ work enthusiasm plays a positive regulating role between psychological ownership perception and employees’ extra-role behavior, that is, when employees have a higher level of psychological ownership, the adjustment of high work enthusiasm can promote the occurrence of extra-role behavior. %K 组织承诺,心理所有权,角色外行为,工作积极性
Organizational Commitment %K Psychological Ownership %K Extra-Role Behavior %K Work Enthusiasm %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=83434