%0 Journal Article %T 珠江–西江经济带(广西)高等教育与经济互动发展研究报告
Research Report on the Interactive Development of Higher Education and Economy in the Pearl River-Xijiang Economic Belt (Guangxi) %A 梁建华 %A 王礼芬 %J World Economic Research %P 104-113 %@ 2167-6615 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/wer.2024.131011 %X 珠江–西江经济带高等院校在专业设置上存在着专业设置不合理、区域参与度不高、专业数量差距过大、专业分布不均衡的问题,需要调整区域内高等院校布局、专业设置,将高职教育作为切入点,加大对高职教育的投入力度、优化专业结构、建设高职专业群、加强产教融合。
The higher education institutions in the Pearl River-West River Economic Zone have the problems of irrational professional setting, low regional participation, too large a gap in the number of majors and unbalanced distribution of majors, and need to adjust the layout of higher education institutions in the region, professional setting, and take higher vocational education as an entry point, increase the investment in higher vocational education, optimize the professional structure, build higher vocational professional clusters, and strengthen the integration of industry and education. %K 珠江–西江经济带,高等教育,专业群,经济互动,职业教育
Pearl River-West River Economic Belt %K Higher Education %K Specialized Clusters %K Economic Interaction %K Vocational Education %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=83461