%0 Journal Article %T Comparative Study of Scientific Academies between European Countries (Royal Society of Great Britain, Lincean Academy of Italy, French Scientific Academy), and Iran %A Leila Isavand %A Hadi Poormoghim %J Advances in Applied Sociology %P 161-174 %@ 2165-4336 %D 2024 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/aasoci.2024.143011 %X In this study, we are going to compare the historical background and current status of scientific academies in three European countries and Iran as a country in the Middle East. We also focus on the academy as an institute and review its mission, governing membership, and international relationships. The study depicts that the foundation of scientific academies in European countries developed in the context of new insight into Europe and a new horizon illuminated by the Renaissance. The reflection of the pluralistic nature of science in Europe can be tracked to the structure and function of current Academies. The study of scientific academies in Iran as a prototype of a Middle Eastern country reveals that in the absence of a modern science background, an academy has to be established by the government as an institute in the hierarchy of administration bureaucracy. %K Comparative Study %K European Scientific Academies %K Iran Scientific Academy %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=132235