%0 Journal Article %T 物理教材编写及物理科学研究不宜引入或建立势能定理概念
The Concept of Potential Energy Theorem Should Not Be Introduced or Established in the Compilation of Physics Textbooks and Research on Physics Science %A 周化海 %A 黄绍书 %J Modern Physics %P 56-64 %@ 2161-0924 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/mp.2024.142007 %X 介绍物理概念的科学性、动能定理的表述、势能的引入、保守力做功与相应势能变化的关系以及一些自媒体平台发布的所谓势能定理的引入和推理过程。通过各类保守力对应势能的专一性,说明各种不同本质属性的势能或势能变化叠加无意义,进一步说明势能定理的引入不具备严谨、严肃的科学性。
Introduce the scientific nature of physical concepts, the expression of kinetic energy theorem, the introduction of potential energy, the relationship between work done by conservative forces and corresponding potential energy changes, as well as the introduction and inference process of so-called potential energy theorems published on some self media platforms. By analyzing the specificity of potential energy corresponding to various conservative forces, it is demonstrated that the superposition of potential energy or potential energy changes with different essential properties is meaningless, further demonstrating that the introduction of potential energy theorem does not have rigorous and serious scientific significance. %K 物理概念,动能定理,保守力,势能定理
Physical Concepts %K Kinetic Energy Theorem %K Conservative Force %K Potential Energy Theorem %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=83320