%0 Journal Article %T 利用FDTD计算超薄金壳中的等离子银纳米空腔
Calculation of Plasmonic Silver Nanocavities in Ultrathin Gold Shells Using FDTD %A 高天 %A 刘玲 %J Modern Physics %P 65-70 %@ 2161-0924 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/mp.2024.142008 %X 通过时域有限差分方法,对超薄金壳中的等离子银纳米空腔进行模拟分析。发现带有金壳的银纳米颗粒场增强效果要高于纯银纳米颗粒,并且理论上超薄的金壳还可以保护银纳米颗粒,防止其被氧化。通过与金膜相结合,形成腔型结构,发现场增强更加明显。这种结构是一种实验上可以实现的简单结构。这项工作为开发具有宽光谱增强电磁场的等离子金属纳米腔体结构铺平了道路。此外,这项研究还为生命科学领域的成像和检测提供了一种有效的SERS基底。
Plasma silver nanocavities in ultrathin gold shells are simulated and analyzed by a time-domain finite-difference method. The field enhancement of silver nanoparticles with gold shells is found to be higher than that of pure silver nanoparticles, and the ultrathin gold shells can also theoretically protect the silver nanoparticles from oxidation. The field enhancement was found to be even more pronounced by combining it with a gold film to form a cavity structure. This structure is an experimentally realizable and simple structure. This work paves the way for the development of plasma-metal nanocavity structures with a broad spectrum of enhanced electromagnetic fields. In addition, this research provides an effective SERS substrate for imaging and detection in the life sciences. %K FDTD,超薄金壳,等离子体纳米空腔
FDTD %K Ultrathin Gold Shells %K Plasma Nanocavities %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=83673