%0 Journal Article %T 基于多源资料的贵阳机场强对流天气分析
Analysis of Severe Convection Weather at Guiyang Airport Based on Multi-Source Data %A 邓小光 %A 刘开宇 %J Open Journal of Nature Science %P 385-395 %@ 2330-1732 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ojns.2024.122045 %X 利用贵阳机场自动观测数据、ERA5再分析资料、贵阳市实况探空资料以及微波辐射计资料对贵阳机场一次持续时间较长的强对流天气过程进行了分析。得到以下结论:6月18日~19日贵阳机场强对流天气过程产生的降水呈西南–东北向带状分布,波动槽东移至贵州省且被副热带高压阻挡在贵州省中部,同时低层切变线和地面辐合线配合较好,导致其抬升运动明显且持久;同时贵阳机场上空持久的高水汽含量且整层大气均达到饱和,为此次过程提供了较好的水汽条件;加上高层冷平流叠加低层暖平流、强垂直风切变以及CAPE、K指数等偏高均表征着此次过程大气不稳定度较高。因此,贵阳机场遭遇了一次持续时间长且强度较高的强对流天气过程。通过进一步对微波辐射计资料进行分析得出强降水发生时段与贵阳机场实况观测记录数据相吻合,说明微波辐射计在强对流天气中的应用不可或缺。
A long duration severe convective weather process at Guiyang Airport was analyzed by means of automatic observation data, ERA5 reanalysis data, real sounding data and microwave radiometer data. The following conclusions are drawn: The precipitation generated by the strong convective weather process at Guiyang Airport from June 18 to 19 was distributed in a belt from southwest to northeast. The wave trough moved eastward to Guizhou Province and was blocked by the subtropical high in the central part of Guizhou Province. At the same time, the low-level shear line and the surface convergence line were well coordinated, resulting in obvious and lasting uplift. At the same time, the high water vapor content over Guiyang Airport and the whole atmosphere reached saturation provided better water vapor conditions for this process. Coupled with the cold advection at upper level superposition of warm advection at lower level, strong vertical wind shear, high CAPE and K index, the atmospheric instability of this process is relatively high. Therefore, Guiyang Airport encountered a strong convective weather process with long duration and high intensity. Through further analysis of microwave radiometer data, it is concluded that the occurrence period of heavy precipitation is consistent with the real observation data of Guiyang Airport, which indicates that the application of microwave radiometer in severe convective weather is indispensable. %K 贵阳机场,强对流天气,多源资料,微波辐射计
Guiyang Airport %K Strong Convective Weather %K Multi-Source Data %K Microwave Radiometer %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=83704