%0 Journal Article %T 基于云平台的走航式ADCP流量测验方法
Shipboard-Type ADCP Discharge Measurement Method Based on Cloud Platform %A 李仕豪 %A 彭海波 %A 李崇勇 %A 廖叶颖 %J Journal of Water Resources Research %P 1-8 %@ 2166-5982 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %X 针对当前走航式ADCP流量测验中存在的问题和不足,本文阐述了一种解决方法,该方法基于水文监测综合管理平台为现场测验提供云计算和存储,并深度融合走航式ADCP流量测验传统作业模式,可实现测验成果现场自动生成、一键入库、数据自校正、云存储以及实时共享,有助于提高工作效率和成果质量,显著提升应用走航式ADCP流量测验的自动化、网络化、数字化水平,具有较强的实用性和可推广性。
In view of the problems and deficiencies in the current shipboard-type ADCP discharge measurement, this paper expounds a solution. The solution is based on the comprehensive management platform of hydro-logical monitoring to provide cloud computing and storage for on-site test, and deeply integrates the tra-ditional operation mode of shipboard-type ADCP discharge measurement. It can realize automatic genera-tion of test results, one-key repository, data self-correction, cloud storage and real-time sharing, which helps to improve work efficiency and quality of results, significantly improve the automation, network and digital level of shipboard-type ADCP discharge measurement application, and has strong practicability and generalizability. %K 云平台,走航式ADCP,流量测验,在线校审,方法设计
Cloud Platform %K Shipboard-Type Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers %K Discharge Measurement %K Online Check %K Method Design %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=83795