%0 Journal Article %T 校园实体书店“源头–末端”绿色创新协同运营模式研究
Research on “Source-End” Green Innovation Integration Mode of Campus Physical Bookstores %A 袁林阳 %A 杜蒙瑞 %A 刘学明 %A 张庆海 %J Service Science and Management %P 228-237 %@ 2324-7916 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ssem.2024.132028 %X 校园实体书店是高校重要的文化设施和文明载体。文章通过问卷调查和深度访谈,探索满足“学生 教师”多源头需求、融合“废物利用 文化传承 科技创新”末端属性的校园实体书店绿色创新协同运营模式。调研结果表明:校园实体书店应以低年级学生为主要销售对象,并将拥有良好阅读习惯的学生群体培养为书店的长期顾客。高校教师表现出高品质消费特征,其偏好优质文化交流平台和高质量的工具类、教材参考类书籍。运营方盈利方式单一,以图书销售、茶饮为主,顾客满意度不高,生存前景不乐观。由此文章提出校园实体书店应积极打造线上线下、多平台、定制化服务等复合经营模式,实现创新突围。
Campus physical bookstore is an important cultural facility and civilization carrier in colleges and universities. Based on questionnaire survey and in-depth interview, this paper explores a green innovation integration mode that meets the multi-source needs of “students and teachers” and integrates the end attributes of “waste utilization, cultural inheritance and technological innovation”. The research results show that campus physical bookstores should focus on lower grade students as the main sales target, and cultivate students with good reading habits as long-term customers of bookstores. College teachers show the characteristics of high-quality consumption, and they prefer high-quality cultural exchange platforms and high-quality tools and textbook reference books. The profit mode of the operator is single, mainly book sales and tea drinks, and the customer satisfaction is not high, and the survival prospect is not optimistic. Therefore, this paper proposes that campus physical bookstores should actively build online and offline, multi-platform, customized service and other integration business modes to achieve innovation breakthrough. %K 校园实体书店,绿色创新协同运营模式,问卷调查,深度访谈,统计分析
Campus Physical Bookstore %K Green Innovation Integration Mode %K Questionnaire Survey %K In-Depth Interview %K Statistical Analysis %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=83783