%0 Journal Article %T 履约供应服务评价及履约执行联动优化研究
Research on Performance Supply Service Evaluation and Performance Execution Linkage Optimization %A 胡永焕 %A 李俊颖 %A 董凤娜 %J Service Science and Management %P 238-245 %@ 2324-7916 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ssem.2024.132029 %X 本文深入了解履约供应服务的现状,结合电力项目物资物流运营的数字化需求,挖掘当前电力项目物资履约供应服务提升的关键要素,总结提炼出一套电力项目现场物资履约供应服务能力评价体系以及评价方法,围绕物流保障能力、物流运营绩效、履约服务评价等维度,理清影响当前履约供应服务快速响应的运营痛点及原因,进而形成较为准确的履约供应服务评价结论,并开展履约执行联动优化建议的设计,推动电力项目物资履约服务实现快速响应提升、服务质量升级的总体目标。
The paper deeply understands the current situation of contract fulfillment supply service, combines with the digital demand of material logistics operation in power projects, excavates the key elements of improving the current material contract fulfillment supply service in power projects, summarizes and refines a set of evaluation system and evaluation methods of on-site material contract fulfillment supply service capability in power projects, focusing on logistics support capability, logistics operation to clarify the operational pain points and reasons that affect the rapid response of the current performance supply service, and then form a more accurate evaluation conclusion of the performance supply service, and carry out the design of the performance implementation linkage optimization proposal, so as to promote the material performance service of power projects to achieve the overall goal of rapid response improvement and service quality upgrading. %K 项目物资,履约供应,服务评价,执行联动
Project Materials %K Contract Supply %K Service Evaluation %K Execution Linkage %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=83785