%0 Journal Article %T 外语专业学生讲好中国故事的路径研究——以“我向世界说中国”中英双语短视频为例
A Study on the Ways for Students of Foreign Languages to Tell Chinese Stories Effectively—A Case Study of Bilingual Short Videos in “Telling the World about China” %A 杨峥 %A 王政钦 %A 高子蒨 %A 柳叶子 %A 伊家武 %J Journalism and Communications %P 211-217 %@ 2330-4774 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/jc.2024.122034 %X 在中国文化国际传播的过程中,短视频日益成为重要的传播媒介,外语专业学生正在日益成为传播主体。相关领域的研究中更多地关注传播理论分析,缺乏基于大学生群体传播实践效果的分析与经验总结。本文以大连外国语大学英语学院某中国文化双语视频宣传团队为个案研究对象,通过访谈与问卷相结合的方式评估其系列视频的受认可度。调查结果发现该团队视频的受众认可度较高,并在视频主题选择、形式与内容设计等方面详细讨论了现状与改进空间。研究基于多主体参与的传播格局现实,丰富了对大学生群体参与文化国际传播的路径与效果探究,具有一定的现实意义。
In the process of international communication of Chinese culture, short videos are increasingly becoming crucial media, and foreign language major students are emerging as key communicators. Existing research in this field tends to focus more on communication theory analysis, lacking in-depth analysis and experiential summaries based on communication practices and effectiveness among university students. This paper takes a bilingual video promotion team from the English School of Dalian University of Foreign Languages as a case study, using a combination of interviews and questionnaires to assess the acceptance of their video series. The survey results reveal a high level of audience approval for the team’s videos, and detailed discussions on the current situation and improvement spaces in aspects such as video theme selection, form, and content design. Grounded in the reality of a multi-subject participation communication pattern, this research enriches the exploration of the paths and effects of university students participating in cultural international communication, carrying practical significance. %K 中国文化,国际传播,大学生,效果探究,个案研究
Chinese Culture %K International Communication %K University Students %K Effectiveness Exploration %K Case Study %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=83893