%0 Journal Article %T Investigating the Relationship between ESG Performance and Financial Performance: Evidence from Listed Mining Companies in Zimbabwe
%A Inerttiah Tamlyn Madzoke %A Helen Keneilwe Nyambe %A Nathan Malala %A Jie Wu %J Open Access Library Journal %V 11 %N 5 %P 1-23 %@ 2333-9721 %D 2024 %I Open Access Library %R 10.4236/oalib.1111542 %X In Zimbabwe, mining companies pose significant environmental, social and governance impacts. This paper investigates the nexus between ESG performance and financial performance of Zimbabwean listed mining companies. The mode of investigation is to establish whether the ESG systems affect the companies¡¯ investment decision-making. This article used a quantitative research design. A sample of 25 mining companies listed on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange was selected. The results show that there is a positive co-relationship between ESG performance and investment decisions by companies. This study contributes to the emerging literature on corporate ESG by highlighting the relationship between ESG performance and investment decisions in the mining sector in Zimbabwe. %K Environmental %K Social %K and Governance (ESG) %K Investment Decision %K Zimbabwe %K Sustainable Development %K Mining Industry %K Financial Performance %U http://www.oalib.com/paper/6822387