%0 Journal Article %T 好氧反硝化细菌脱氮性能及其在污水处理中应用研究进展
Research Progress on Denitrification Performance of Aerobic Denitrifying Bacteria and Its Application in Wastewater Treatment %A 姚伟 %J Advances in Microbiology %P 49-57 %@ 2327-0829 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/amb.2024.131005 %X 好氧反硝化菌自从第一次被提出以来,就因为其挑战了厌氧反硝化理论,能够在好氧条件下发挥反硝化作用,实现了在一个反应器里硝化反硝化同时进行而受到了很多关注。本文较为系统的总结了近几年来从不同环境中筛选分离出的好氧反硝化菌,并从“协同呼吸理论”和“好氧反硝化酶作用”这两个方面深入探讨了好氧反硝化菌的反硝化作用机理。在此基础上,考察了各种环境因子对好氧反硝化菌脱氮效果的影响。包括碳源的种类,温度,溶氧,pH,盐度。最后对好氧反硝化菌在污水处理领域的应用前景进行分析,并利用好氧反硝化菌易于附着于生物膜表面,从而达到高效稳定运行的目的,为污水处理领域的实际应用研究提供理论依据。
Since it was first proposed, aerobic denitrification bacteria have attracted much attention because they challenge the theory of anaerobic denitrification, can play the role of denitrification under aerobic conditions, and achieve simultaneous nitrification and denitrification in one reactor. This paper systematically summarizes the aerobic denitrifying bacteria isolated from different environments in recent years, and further discusses the denitrifying mechanism of aerobic denitrifying bacteria from two aspects: “cooperative respiration theory” and “aerobic denitrifying enzyme action”. On this basis, the effects of various environmental factors on the denitrification efficiency of aerobic denitrifying bacteria are investigated. Including the type of carbon source, temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, salinity. Finally, the application prospect of aerobic denitrifying bacteria in the field of sewage treatment is analyzed, and the use of aerobic denitrifying bacteria is easy to attach to the surface of biofilm, so as to achieve the purpose of efficient and stable operation, and provide a theoretical basis for the practical application research in the field of sewage treatment. %K 好氧反硝化菌,筛选分离,作用机理,影响因素,应用前景
Aerobic Denitrifier %K Screening and Separation %K Mechanism of Action %K Influence Factor %K Application Prospect %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=83886