%0 Journal Article %T 新闻导语彰显易读性的进路
The Path to Enhancing the Readability of News Leads for Better User Experience %A 武斌 %J Journalism and Communications %P 232-237 %@ 2330-4774 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/jc.2024.122037 %X “易读性”是决定一篇新闻的导语是否有粘性,能否粘住受众的重要指标。本文采用内容分析法、文献阅读法、案例研究法对六个新闻导语样本进行解剖,试图通过这些样本启示媒体人践行“四力”,消除阻抗,精益求精,建构易读性好的导语,奉献用户体验好、传播效果好的新闻文化精品。
“Readability” is a crucial indicator of whether a news lead can effectively engage and hold the attention of readers. This paper employs content analysis, literature review, and case studies to dissect six samples of news leads, aiming to illuminate the path for media practitioners to enhance the readability of their leads, eliminate impediment, strive for excellence, construct easy-to-read news leads, and dedicate to creating high-quality news culture with good user experience and dissemination effect. %K 新闻导语,易读性,阻抗,锐化焦点,受众本位
News Leads %K Readability %K Impedance %K Sharpening Focus %K Audience-Centeredness %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=83993