%0 Journal Article %T Research on the International Communication Pathways of Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Context of ¡°Chinese Culture Going Global¡± %A Yin Jiang %A Hua Li %J Open Access Library Journal %V 11 %N 5 %P 1-8 %@ 2333-9721 %D 2024 %I Open Access Library %R 10.4236/oalib.1111548 %X In the journey of the new era, China¡¯s intangible cultural heritage stands as a significant component of the fine traditional Chinese culture, serving as a prominent symbol that showcases the historical and cultural achievements of the nation. President Xi Jinping emphasized at the National Conference on Publicity and Ideological Work that it is necessary to vigorously promote the construction of international communication capacity, tell China¡¯s stories well, make China¡¯s voice heard so as to amplify China¡¯s voice on the international stage. Therefore, promoting the international communication of intangible cultural heritage not only enables the world to appreciate the charm of China¡¯s intangible cultural heritage but also has positive significance for enhancing the international influence of Chinese culture. Taking Songyang Gaoqiang opera as an example, this article thoroughly analyzes three factors: challenges faced in the information era, the scarcity of interdisciplinary talents, and limitations stemming from its own conditions. This analysis is based on an indepth examination of the current status of the international communication of intangible cultural heritage at home and abroad. Addressing the challenges it faces in international communication, three specific paths are proposed, focusing on the innovation of communication mechanisms, the cultivation of inheritors, and the innovation of content. These paths aim to provide solid support for the international communication of Songyang Gaoqiang opera, further expand its international influence, and thus contribute to enhancing the influence of Chinese culture on the global stage. %K Intangible Cultural Heritage %K International Communication %K Songyang Gaoqiang Opera %U http://www.oalib.com/paper/6822500