%0 Journal Article %T 网络数据在地区文旅游客市场拓展实践中的应用研究——以江苏常州为例
Research on the Application of Network Data in the Tourists Market Expansion of Regional Cultural Tourism—A Case Study of Changzhou, Jiangsu Province %A 段毅琳 %J Journalism and Communications %P 248-254 %@ 2330-4774 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/jc.2024.122039 %X 文旅游客市场是提升一地文旅产业发展、地区竞争力的重要因素,因而如何拓展文旅游客市场规模的实践方向与办法,成为一项有意义的议题。为此,全面发挥“百度指数”及“知乎”等网络平台数据的应用价值,能够有效补充文旅调研方式,也有助于综合探索并定位地方拓展文旅游客市场的行动方向,并形成一种有效的文旅发展实践模式。以常州为例,针对性采用并分析相关网络数据,从游客市场对该地文旅资源的认知与接受情况等角度,获取当地文旅游客市场拓展方面的现状与问题,进而尝试提出资源、服务与宣传等方面的优化措施。
The tourist market of cultural tourism is an important factor in enhancing the development of a local cultural tourism industry and regional competitiveness. Therefore, how to expand the practical direction and methods of the tourist market of cultural tourism has become a meaningful issue. To this end, fully leveraging the application value of network platform data such as Baidu Index and Zhihu can effectively supplement cultural tourism research methods, and also help to comprehensively explore and position the action direction of expanding the tourist market of local cultural tourism, and form an effective practical model for the development of cultural tourism. Taking Changzhou as an example, targeted use and analysis of relevant network data are conducted to obtain the current situation and problems in the expansion of the tourist market of local cultural tourism from the perspectives of the tourist market’s understanding and acceptance of the local cultural tourism resources. Then, optimization measures in terms of resources, services, and promotion are attempted to be proposed. %K 网络数据,游客市场,拓展,实践应用
Network Data %K Tourist Market %K Expansion %K Practical Application %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=84025