%0 Journal Article %T 浅谈媒体融合背景下摄影记者的转型之路
Transformation Path of Photojournalists in the Context of Media Convergence %A 刘维 %J Journalism and Communications %P 255-259 %@ 2330-4774 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/jc.2024.122040 %X 随着媒体融合时代的来临,通过融媒体采集、处理、传播各类资讯,极大地减少了信息成本。在经历了从传统媒体垄断、到自媒体兴盛与新媒体发展的转变背景下,摄影与传播技术也随之发生了重大变革。在这个拿起智能手机,人人都是摄影师的今天,摄影记者要怎样才能顺应媒体融合的时代潮流,实现顺利转型,是从业者需要面对的重要课题。本文阐述了媒体融合背景下摄影记者转型的现实意义、发展现状,提出立足自身优势,学会讲好故事、把握时代需求,向全媒体记者转型、提升专业能力,注重多元发展、深入基层一线,在实践中完美转型的转型之路,期望能够为实现摄影记者完美转型提供参考。
With the advent of the media convergence era, the collection, processing, and dissemination of various information through converged media have greatly reduced the cost of information. Against the backdrop of the transition from traditional media monopolies to the rise of self-media and the development of new media, photography and communication technologies have undergone significant changes. Today, in this era where everyone is a photographer with a smartphone, how can photojournalists adapt to the trend of media convergence and achieve a smooth transition is an important issue that practitioners need to face. This paper elaborates on the practical significance and current development of the transformation of photojournalists in the context of media convergence, proposing a series of strategies, such as: leveraging personal strengths, mastering positive storytelling, understanding the demands of the times, transitioning to multimedia journalism, enhancing professional skills, emphasizing diversified development, delving into frontline work, and seeking optimal transition path in practice. It aims to provide a reference for achieving the perfect transformation of photojournalists. %K 摄影记者,转型,媒体融合
Photojournalist %K Transformation %K Media Convergence %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=84026