%0 Journal Article %T 浅析现代化进程下的“积极老龄化”战略
An Analysis of the “Active Aging” Strategy in the Process of Modernization %A 刘兰 %J Aging Research %P 242-247 %@ 2334-3524 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ar.2024.112034 %X 老龄化已经成为世界性问题,医学的进步使得人类社会死亡率降低,伴随着社会经济的不断发展又内生性地降低了人们的生育意愿,导致生育率大幅缩减。低死亡率、低生育率必然导致老龄化,这是社会发展的必经之路。当前,许多国家都面临着老龄化的挑战,中国也不例外,为解决我国老龄化问题,党的十九届五中全会报告中明确提出要“实施积极应对人口老龄化战略”,积极应对人口老龄化首次被提升到国家战略高度。新时代新征程,老龄化是我国全面建成现代化主义国家所要面对的一大挑战。本文尝试从老龄化的理论研究入手,深入剖析积极老龄化的理论、策略发展以及执行路径,力图阐述积极老龄化对学界深入研究相关问题提供了重大理论价值,且为我国探索和完善应对老龄化战略作出了现实的指导意义。
Aging has become a worldwide problem, and the progress of medicine has reduced the mortality rate of human society, and with the continuous development of social economy, it has endogenously reduced people’s fertility intentions, resulting in a significant reduction in fertility rate. Low mortality and low fertility will inevitably lead to aging, which is the only way for social development. At present, many countries are facing the challenge of aging. China is no exception. In order to solve the problem of aging in China, the report of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China clearly stated that it is necessary to “implement the strategy of actively responding to the aging of the population”, and actively responding to the aging of the population has been promoted to the national strategic height for the first time. In the new era and new journey, aging is a major challenge for China to build a modernized country in an all-round way. Starting from the theoretical research of aging, this paper attempts to analyze the theory, strategy development and implementation path of active aging, and tries to explain that active aging provides great theoretical value for the in-depth study of related issues in the academic community, and provides practical guiding significance for China to explore and improve the strategy of coping with aging. %K 老龄化,现代化,践行路径
Aging %K Modernization %K Practice Path %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=83971