%0 Journal Article %T 老年教育模式的探索与启示——基于德国老年教育多元化模式的分析
The Exploration and Enlightenment of the Elderly Education Model—Based on the Analysis of Diversified Models of Geriatric Education in Germany %A 李明悦 %J Aging Research %P 254-260 %@ 2334-3524 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ar.2024.112036 %X 德国是欧洲老龄化程度最高的国家,在全球的范围内仅次于日本。老年教育作为德国老年人学习的主要途径,成为他们参与社会活动的重要方式之一。20世纪中后期,德国老年教育经历了孕育、起始与发展三个阶段。如今,多元化成为德国老年教育模式的显著特征,主要体现在教育形式、课程设置、教育理念、教师队伍以及资金来源五个方面。本文从德国老年教育的历史背景、发展过程、呈现特点与影响因素四方面着手,以此得出德国老年教育的多元化模式对我国的启示。
Germany is the country with the highest degree of aging in Europe, second only to Japan in the global context. As the main way for elderly people in Germany to learn, elderly education has become one of the important ways for them to participate in social activities. In the mid-to-late 20th century, German elderly education experienced three stages: gestation, initiation, and development. Today, diversification has become a significant feature of German elderly education models, mainly reflected in five aspects: educational forms, curriculum settings, educational concepts, teacher teams, and funding sources. This article starts from the historical background, development process, characteristics and influencing factors of German elderly education, and draws inspiration from the diversified model of German elderly education for China. %K 德国老年教育,多元化模式,老年教育启示
German Elderly Education %K Diversified Models %K Enlightenment for Elderly Education %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=83973