%0 Journal Article %T 唐朝时期汉文化在南诏的传播初探
A Preliminary Study on the Spread of Han Culture in Nanzhao during the Tang Dynasty %A 蒋茜 %J Chinese Traditional Culture %P 152-156 %@ 2332-6824 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/cnc.2024.122024 %X 唐–南诏时期是汉文化在云南地区传播的高峰期,南诏因得到唐廷的扶持而崛起,虽然在政治、军事上反复叛附,但在文化上却始终对汉文化主动接纳、吸收。汉文化的传播对南诏的政治、经济、文化、生产、工艺产生深远影响。汉文化在南诏的传播,促进了云南地区社会经济的发展,推动了地区与中央、少数民族与汉族之间交流交往交融,增进了民族认同和文化认同,为中华民族共同体的铸就、为后世的大一统奠定了基础。本文试做探析。
The Tang-Nanzhao period was the peak of the spread of Han culture in the Yunnan region. Nanzhao rose because of the support of the Tang Court. Although it repeatedly rebated in politics and the military, it always actively accepted and absorbed Han culture in culture. The spread of Han culture had a profound impact on the politics, economy, culture, production and technology of Nanzhao. The spread of Han culture in Nanzhao promoted the social and economic development of Yunnan, promoted the communication and integration between the region and the central government, and between ethnic minorities and the Han nationality, enhanced the national identity and cultural identity, and laid the foundation for the formation of the Chinese national community and the unification of the later generations. This paper tries to explore this. %K 汉文化,南诏,传播,民族共同体
Han Culture %K Nanzhao %K Spread %K National Community %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=84021