%0 Journal Article %T 全媒体视域下新闻策划创新路径探析
Exploring the Innovative Path of News Planning from the Perspective of All Media %A 邓仟 %A 刘木槿 %J Journalism and Communications %P 260-265 %@ 2330-4774 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/jc.2024.122041 %X 随着全媒体时代的来临,新闻传播的方式与效果经历了显著的变革,媒体所传播的内容、形式、采用的技术手段,以及受众的接收习惯均发生了深刻变化。本文旨在深入剖析在全媒体背景下新闻策划的独有特征、当前面临的挑战与创新应对措施,也致力于探讨在全媒体时代,如何更好地进行新闻策划,以便更有效地适应和利用新兴的传播手段与平台。此外,本文还探索了在全媒体传播生态中,新闻策划应秉持的实践路径,期望新闻策划能在全媒体时代发挥更大的作用,营造更加繁荣和开放的传媒环境。
With the advent of the era of all media, the ways and effects of news dissemination have undergone significant changes. The content, form, and technological means adopted by the media, as well as the receiving habits of the audience, have undergone profound changes. This article aims to deeply analyze the unique characteristics, current challenges, and innovative measures of news planning in the context of all media. It also aims to explore how to better carry out news planning in the era of all media, in order to more effectively adapt to and utilize emerging communication methods and platforms. In addition, this article also explores the practical path that news planning should adhere to in the entire media communication ecosystem, hoping that news planning can play a greater role in the era of all media and create a more prosperous and open media environment. %K 全媒体,新闻策划,创新路径
All Media %K News Planning %K Innovation Path %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=84133