%0 Journal Article %T 新闻媒体在维护知情权中的角色定位与责任担当探析
An Analysis of the Role Positioning and Responsibility of News Media in Safeguarding the Right to Information %A 邓仟 %A 张哲 %A 张安琪 %J Journalism and Communications %P 266-271 %@ 2330-4774 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/jc.2024.122042 %X 知情权是公民的基本权利,保障知情权对于维护社会稳定、遏制谣言传播、构建政府与民众和谐关系以及应对突发事件等方面具有重要意义。本文将从新闻媒体角度,论述新闻媒体在保障知情权方面如何发挥其重要作用,以及知情权与其他权益相矛盾时,如何抉择。本文旨在为新闻媒体提升职业素养、优化信息传播机制、强化社会责任感提供有益的参考,同时,也期望能够引起社会各界对知情权保障问题的广泛关注,共同推动信息公开透明,促进社会公平正义,构建和谐的信息生态环境。
The right to information is a fundamental right of citizens, and ensuring it is of great significance for maintaining social stability, curbing the spread of rumors, building a harmonious relationship between the government and the public, and responding to emergencies. This article will discuss from the perspective of news media how they play an important role in safeguarding the right to information, and how to make a decision when the right to information conflicts with other rights. This article aims to provide useful references for news media to enhance their professional competence, optimize information dissemination mechanisms, and strengthen their sense of social responsibility. At the same time, it also hopes to attract widespread attention from all sectors of society to the issue of protecting the right to information, jointly promote information transparency, promote social fairness and justice, and build a harmonious information ecosystem. %K 知情权,新闻媒体,公众利益
Right to Know %K News Media %K Public Interest %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=84134