%0 Journal Article %T 新文科视域下PDCA原理在新闻实务课中的应用
The Application of PDCA Principle in News Practice Courses from the Perspective of New Liberal Arts %A 武斌 %J Journalism and Communications %P 272-279 %@ 2330-4774 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/jc.2024.122043 %X 在新文科背景下,新闻实务课程教学面临着多重机遇与挑战,打造“金课”,杜绝“水课”,优化人才素质和能力培养成为增强新闻传播学学科影响力,实现“新文科”建设目标的重点工程。本文采用经验总结法、参与式观察法、文献研究法等,按照“新文科”对人才培养的要求,对PDCA循环管理原理导入新闻实务课程的策略进行了探析,本文认为:坚持守正创新,培养学生综合技能,提高教学效果,体现自身特色,凸显新闻实务课程培养有学养、上手快、后劲足的技能型人才的特色。
In the context of the new liberal arts, the teaching of News Practice Courses faces multiple opportunities and challenges. Creating a “golden course”, eliminating “water courses”, optimizing talent quality and ability cultivation have become key projects to enhance the influence of journalism and communication studies, and achieve the goal of building a “new liberal arts”. This article adopts methods such as experience summary, participatory observation, and literature research to explore the strategy of introducing the PDCA cycle management principle into news practice courses in accordance with the requirements of “New Liberal Arts” for talent cultivation. The article believes that: adhering to the principles of integrity and innovation, cultivating students’ comprehensive skills, improving teaching effectiveness, reflecting its own characteristics, highlighting the characteristics of news practice courses in cultivating skilled talents with learning, quick learning, and strong retention. %K 新文科,新闻实务课,PDCA循环原理
New Liberal Arts %K News Practice Courses %K PDCA Cycle Principle %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=84135