%0 Journal Article %T 制造“桃花源”:乡村振兴战略下短视频平台的“乡土”呈现研究
Making “Peach Blossom Garden”: A Study on the Presentation of “Countryside” on Short Video Platforms under the Strategy of Rural Revitalization %A 石鑫 %J Journalism and Communications %P 280-286 %@ 2330-4774 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/jc.2024.122044 %X 全面推进乡村振兴,乡村数字化传播大有可为。作为农村互联网应用的重要抓手之一,具有“短”“平”“快”特点的抖音短视频逐步嵌入新农人的日常生活,为农民提供了展示自我的舞台,创造了理想化的乡村形象,但这种表象却忽略了乡村实际面临的卫生、法制、教育等诸多问题。本研究通过分析乡村短视频的内容和评论文本,挖掘观看用户的心理动机,总结短视频平台中乡村形象的特点,最终揭示短视频呈现的乡村形象和真实世界的差异。
Comprehensively promoting rural revitalization, rural digital communication has great potential. As one of the important handles of rural Internet applications, Douyin short video with the characteristics of “short”, “flat” and “fast” is gradually embedded in the daily life of new farmers, providing farmers with a stage to show themselves and create an idealised image of the countryside. But this appearance ignores the many problems that the countryside actually faces, such as health, the legal system, education and so on. This study analyses the content and comment texts of rural short videos, explores the psychological motivations of users, summarises the characteristics of the rural image in short video platforms, and ultimately reveals the differences between the image of the countryside presented in short videos and the real world. %K 乡村短视频,乡村形象,用户心理
Rural Short Videos %K Rural Image %K User Psychology %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=84136