%0 Journal Article %T 专业杂志栏目建设与创新初探——以《上海质量》为例
The Construction and Innovation of Professional Magazine Columns %A 彭琳 %J Journalism and Communications %P 300-303 %@ 2330-4774 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/jc.2024.122047 %X 在纸媒竞争越来越激烈的当下,如何立足栏目内容,在体现自身特色、展示独特优势的同时,在竞争中占据一席之地,是《上海质量》杂志一直在深入思考且着力解决的核心问题。由此,杂志坚持彰显前瞻性、实用性和指导性,发挥支撑和辅助功能,完善形式设计三大原则,不断寻求发展空间,取得了明显效果,未来可进一步全方位、多角度做好栏目建设及创新,进一步提升杂志影响力和社会效益。
The competition of paper media is becoming more and more fierce. In this situation, Shanghai Quality has been in-depth thinking about the core problem that how to reflect characteristics, show unique advantages, and occupy a place in the competition, based on the column of the magazine. Therefore, Shanghai Quality adheres to the three principles of s highlighting foresight, practicality and guidance, playing supportive and auxiliary functions, improving the form design, and constantly seeking development space, and has achieved obvious results. In the future, it can further do a comprehensive and multi-angle column construction and innovation, and further enhance the magazine’s influence and social benefits. %K 栏目,定位,选题策划
Column %K Positioning %K Topic Planning %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=84139