%0 Journal Article %T 动画电影在韩票房表现的影响因素研究——基于中、美、日30部动画电影的定性比较分析(QCA)
Research on the Influencing Factors of Animation Films’ Box Office Performance in South Korea—Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) Based on 30 Animation Films from China, the United States and Japan %A 武丽花 %J Journalism and Communications %P 304-311 %@ 2330-4774 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/jc.2024.122048 %X 本文针对动画电影在韩国的票房表现的影响因素进行样本分析,选取了中、美、日三国在2020年和2021年间于韩国上映的30部动画电影作为样本,运用定性比较分析(QCA)的研究方法进行分析。结合相关理论框架和实践经验设计了一定的影响因素并得出因素组合。研究结果显示,动画电影在韩取得高票房的影响因素可得出三种最显著的条件组合,且影片内容和影片放映次数是动画电影在韩取得高票房的两个必要因素。
This paper conducts a sample analysis of the influencing factors of the box office performance of animation films in South Korea. 30 animation films from China, the United States and Japan released in South Korea during 2020 and 2021 are selected as samples, and the Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) research method is used for analysis. Combined with relevant theoretical framework and practical experience, some influencing factors are designed and the combination of factors is obtained. The research results show that the three most significant combinations of conditions can be obtained to influence the high box office of animation films in South Korea, and film content and the number of screenings are the two necessary factors for animation films to achieve high box office in South Korea. %K 动画电影,韩国票房,定性比较分析(QCA)
Animation Films %K South Korean Box Office %K Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=84140