%0 Journal Article %T 《合集》32384号甲骨研究述评
A Review on the Research on Oracle Bones No. 32384 in “Collection” %A 张娟娟 %J Chinese Traditional Culture %P 169-173 %@ 2332-6824 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/cnc.2024.122027 %X 《合集》32384号甲骨由王国维、董作宾缀合,这片甲骨文字内容丰富,对于考证殷商时期先公先王的世系具有重要意义,自缀合至今已有一百多年的历史,受到众多学者关注。基于此前丰硕的研究成果,本文以纵向时间为线索,按照早期、中期和晚期的发展顺序,整合各家对于《合集》32384号甲骨的研究观点和看法,梳理《合集》32384号甲骨的研究过程、成果和方法,以期总结出一定的出土文献研究经验。
The oracle bone No. 32384 of “Collection” was assembled by Wang Guowei and Dong Zuobin. This oracle bone is rich in text content and is of great significance for researching the lineage of ancestors and kings in the Yin and Shang Dynasties. It has a history of more than 100 years since it was assembled and has attracted the attention of many scholars. Based on previous fruitful research results, this article uses longitudinal time as a clue, and integrates various research perspectives and opinions on the oracle bone No. 32384 in “Collection” according to the order of early, middle, and late development, and sorts out the research process of oracle bone No. 32384 in “Collection”, results and methods, in order to summarize the certain experience in researching unearthed documents. %K 甲骨,缀合,《合集》32384,商王世系
Oracle Bones %K Conjugation %K “Collection” 32384 %K Lineage of Shang Kings %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=84128