%0 Journal Article %T 论元代南戏《苏武牧羊记》中的“回回曲”
On the “Hui Hui Qu” in the Yuan Dynasty Southern Opera “The Tale of Su Wu Herding Sheep” %A 周江瑶 %J Chinese Traditional Culture %P 174-178 %@ 2332-6824 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/cnc.2024.122028 %X 西域各少数民族自古就是能歌善舞的民族。西域音乐对中原音乐的影响也由来已久。尤其到了元代,特殊的时代特色使得民族融合更加广泛和深入。《苏武牧羊记》是元代南戏中的经典之作,讲述了汉使苏武在匈奴十九年牧羊的传奇故事。该剧融合了丰富的文化元素,其中“回回曲”曲牌的使用值得注意。“回回曲”是指元代戏曲中借鉴和吸收了西域音乐元素形成的一类曲调,它不仅丰富了元代戏曲的音乐表现,也反映了元代文化的多元性和开放性。
Since ancient times, the various ethnic minorities of the Western Regions have been known for their musical and dance talents. The influence of music from the Western Regions on the Central Plains’ music has a long history. Especially during the Yuan Dynasty, the unique characteristics of the era facilitated broader and deeper integration among ethnic groups. “The Story of Su Wu Herding Sheep” is a classic work among the Southern Operas of the Yuan Dynasty, narrating the legendary tale of the Han envoy Su Wu, who spent nineteen years herding sheep among the Xiongnu. This play incorporates a rich array of cultural elements, among which the use of the musical mode “Hui Hui Qu” is particularly noteworthy. “Hui Hui Qu” refers to a category of musical tunes in Yuan Dynasty dramas that were inspired by and incorporated elements of music from the Western Regions. It not only enriched the musical expression of Yuan Dynasty dramas but also reflected the diversity and openness of Yuan Dynasty culture. %K 元代南戏,回回曲,《苏武牧羊记》,文化交融
Yuan Dynasty Southern Opera %K Hui Hui Qu %K The Tale of Su Wu Herding Sheep %K Cultural Integration %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=84129