%0 Journal Article %T 人口老龄化视角下社会工作介入社区养老服务路径探究
Research on the Path of Social Work Involvement in Community Elderly Care Services from the Perspective of Population Aging %A 苏海媚 %J Aging Research %P 267-271 %@ 2334-3524 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ar.2024.112038 %X 随着社会人口老龄化问题日益凸显,人口老龄化现象已成为一个受广泛关注的社会议题。如何有效解决老年群体养老问题,无疑是新时代我国面临的严峻且紧迫的挑战。在一系列养老方式中,社区养老模式彰显出了它的显著优点。本文旨在通过分析当前社区养老服务存在的问题,指出社会工作介入社区养老服务的必要性,探索社会工作如何介入社区养老服务的具体路径。这不仅能够为当前社区养老服务的实施提供借鉴意义,同时还能够为解决城市养老问题注入新鲜活力。
With the increasingly prominent problem of population aging, the phenomenon of population aging has become a widely concerned social issue. How to effectively solve the problem of the growing elderly groups to support the elderly is undoubtedly a severe and urgent challenge faced by our country in the new era. In a series of ways of providing for the elderly, the community mode of providing for the elderly has demonstrated its significant advantages. This paper aims to analyze the problems existing in the current community elderly care service, point out the necessity of social work intervention in community elderly care service, and explore the specific path of social work intervention in community elderly care service. This can not only provide reference for the implementation of the current community elderly care service, but also inject fresh vitality to solve the problem of urban elderly care. %K 社会工作,社区养老,老龄化
Social Work %K Community Care %K Aging %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=83975