%0 Journal Article %T 基于老龄化背景下发展老年体育的矛盾与对策研究
Research on the Contradictions and Countermeasures of Developing Sports for the Aged under the Background of Aging %A 田昊翰 %A 胡敏 %J Aging Research %P 293-298 %@ 2334-3524 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ar.2024.112042 %X 运用文献资料、逻辑分析等方法对人口老龄化背景下发展老年体育进行分析,发现发展老年体育存在体质健康下降与缺乏锻炼意识、锻炼热情初显与服务供给不足、锻炼热情高涨与缺少体育组织管理、强烈参与体育锻炼的欲望与缺乏科学锻炼知识、对智能设备的迫切需求与老年智能技术支持不足等的矛盾,认为老年体育的发展具有广阔的空间,配合全民健身为辅助手段,提出国家发挥主体作用,针对性的促进老年体育,社区做好老年体育服务支持,企业加强老年体育市场调查,转向老年体育健身市场,老年人改变传统观念,科学参与体育锻炼等措施的老年体育发展新模式,探索新时期老年体育的发展趋势,为老龄化社会发展老年体育提供参考和建议。
This paper analyzes the development of sports for the elderly under the background of population aging by means of literature and logical analysis. It is found that there are contradictions between the decline of physical health and the lack of exercise awareness, the emergence of exercise enthusiasm and the lack of service supply, the high enthusiasm for exercise and the lack of sports organization and management, the strong desire to participate in physical exercise and the lack of scientific exercise knowledge, the urgent demand for intelligent equipment and the lack of intelligent technical support for the elderly in the development of sports for the elderly, and so on. With national fitness as an auxiliary means, it is proposed that the state should play a main role, promote targeted sports for the elderly, the community should do a good job in providing services and support for sports for the elderly, enterprises should strengthen market research on sports for the elderly, turn to the sports and fitness market for the elderly, and the elderly should change their traditional concepts and scientifically participate in physical exercise, to explore the development trend of sports for the elderly in the new era, providing reference and suggestions for the development of elderly sports in the aging society. %K 老年体育,老龄化,对策研究
Senior Sports Pair %K Aging %K Countermeasure Research %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=84066