%0 Journal Article %T 马克思主义哲学视角下的老龄化与人的全面发展问题研究
Research on Aging and Comprehensive Human Development from the Perspective of Marxist Philosophy %A 朱颖 %J Aging Research %P 306-311 %@ 2334-3524 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ar.2024.112044 %X 本文以马克思主义哲学视角为基础,探讨了我国老龄化与人的全面发展问题。老龄化是当代社会面临的重要挑战之一,对于人的全面发展产生了深远影响。本文首先阐述了老龄化的现状和原因,生育率下降、医疗技术进步、社会经济发展都是老龄化的主要原因。其次,本文从马克思主义哲学的人的全面发展理论出发,探讨了老龄化对人的全面发展的制约和影响。老龄化对心理健康、身体健康和社会参与等都产生了影响,限制了老年人的发展空间和机会。最后,本文提出了应对老龄化与促进人的全面发展的对策和建议。其中包括完善社会保障体系、推动教育和培训的全面发展、鼓励老年人积极参与社会活动等方面的措施。通过这些措施的实施,可以更好地应对老龄化问题,促进人的全面发展。
This article is based on the perspective of Marxist philosophy and explores the issue of aging and comprehensive human development. Aging is one of the important challenges facing contemporary society, which has a profound impact on the comprehensive development of people. This article first analyzes the reasons and characteristics of aging phenomenon, pointing out the driving role of factors such as uneven economic development and imperfect social security system in capitalist society on aging. Secondly, starting from the theory of comprehensive human development in Marxist philosophy, this article explores the constraints and impacts of aging on human comprehensive development. The aging population has led to a reduction in labor supply, a redistribution of social resources, and other issues, limiting the development space and opportunities for the elderly. Finally, this article proposes strategies and suggestions to address aging and promote comprehensive human development. This includes measures to improve the social security system, improve the quality of life for the elderly, and promote the comprehensive development of education and training. By implementing these measures, we can better address the issue of aging and promote comprehensive human development. %K 马克思主义哲学,老龄化,人的全面发展,社会保障,教育培训
Marxist Philosophy %K Aging Population %K The Comprehensive Development of Human Beings %K Social Security %K Education and Training %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=84068