%0 Journal Article %T Evaluation of Hepatic Fibrosis and Hepatic Steatosis by Pulse Elastography (FIBROSCAN/CAP) in Asymptomatic Patients about 170 Cases at the Donka CHU National Hospital in Conakry %A Mamadou Sarifou Diallo %A Oumarou Youssouf %A Abdoulatif Yaogo %A Djenabou Diallo %A Kadiatou Diallo %A Thierno Amadou Wann %A Ahmed Tidiane Diallo %A Mamadou Lamine Yaya Bah %A Mamdou Diakhaby %A Mamadou Aliou Kanté %A Djibril Sylla %J Open Journal of Gastroenterology %P 125-138 %@ 2163-9469 %D 2024 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ojgas.2024.144014 %X <b>Introduction: </b>Fibroscan is a recent, non-invasive and non-irradiating diagnostic method. It is based on the principle of ultrasound, which enables liver tissue elasticity to be quantified using a probe, and fibrosis to be assessed. Fibroscan measures both elasticity correlated with hepatic fibrosis and CAP correlated with steatosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate hepatic fibrosis and steatosis using pulse elastometry (Fibroscan/CAP). <b>Methods: </b>This was<b> </b>a descriptive and analytical cross-sectional study in which 170 patients were included. It was conducted from October 1 2021 to December 31 2023, <i>i.e</i>. 27 months, in an outpatient clinic in the hepato-gastroenterology department of the Donka national hospital of the CHU Conakry. <b>Results: </b>Of the 170 patients identified, 87 were male (51%) and 83 female (49%), giving a M/F sex ratio of 1.04. The average age of our patients was 40. The 30 - 50 age group was the most affected, with a frequency of 58.23% (n = 99), followed by the 50 age group with a frequency of 29.41% (n = 50). Hepatomegaly, steatotic liver on ultrasonography, transaminase elevation and obesity were the main indications, respectively: (21.76%), (17.65%), (14.71%), and (13.53%). The examinations were requested by hepatogastroenterologists (47.06%), diabetologists (35.88%) and general practitioners (29%). Of the 170 patients, 100 patients (58.82%) had no significant fibrosis F0F1, 39 (22.94%) had moderate fibrosis F2, 20 patients (11.76%) had severe fibrosis F3 and 11 patients (6.47%) had fibrosis F4. Hepatic steatosis: 62 patients (36.47%) had no S0 steatosis; 29.41% had S1 steatosis, 20% had S2 steatosis and 24 patients (14.11%) had S3 steatosis. Abdominal ultrasound revealed a normal liver in 67.05% of patients, hepatic steatosis in 29.41% and non-decompensated cirrhosis in 6 cases. Thus, 108 patients had the parameters required to calculate the Fatty Liver Index (FLI), steatosis was present in 20% of our patients, while 29.41% had an undetermined status and 24 14.11% had a normal FLI. <b>Co</b><b>n</b><b>clusion: </b>Identifying subjects at risk of metabolic steatopathy, diagnosing and managing these patients is a public health issue and one of the future challenges of hepato-gastroenterology. Fibroscan is an increasingly popular screening tool for hepatic fibrosis and steatosis. The fight against obesity must be a priority. %K Cirrhosis %K Fibrosis %K Fibroscan/CAP %K Non-Alcoholic Hepatic Steatosis %K Steatosis %K CHU Conakry %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=132423