%0 Journal Article %T 转基因棉花的耐盐、抗旱性研究进展
Research Progress on Salt Tolerance and Drought Resistance of Transgenic Cotton %A 谭秀榕 %J World Journal of Forestry %P 142-149 %@ 2169-2440 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/wjf.2024.132020 %X 转基因棉花的耐盐、抗旱性研究已成为当前棉花育种领域的热点之一。本文综述了近年来关于转基因棉花耐盐、抗旱性状的研究进展。首先介绍了转基因技术在棉花育种中的应用现状,然后重点阐述了转基因棉花在耐盐、抗旱性方面的研究成果,包括抗旱基因的克隆和功能验证,耐盐相关代谢途径的调控等方面。最后对转基因棉花耐盐、抗旱性研究存在的问题进行了讨论,并展望了未来的研究方向。本文旨在为转基因棉花的耐盐、抗旱性研究提供参考和借鉴,促进转基因技术在棉花育种中的应用。
The study of salt and drought tolerance in transgenic cotton has become a hot topic in cotton breeding in recent years. This article reviews the research progress on the salt and drought resistance of transgenic cotton in recent years. Firstly, it introduces the application status of transgenic technology in cotton breeding, and then focuses on the research results of transgenic cotton in salt and drought resistance, including the cloning and functional verification of drought-resistant genes, and the regulation of salt-tolerant related metabolic pathways. Finally, the problems existing in the research of salt and drought tolerance of transgenic cotton are discussed, and the future research directions are prospected. This article aims to provide reference for the study of salt and drought tolerance of transgenic cotton, and promote the application of transgenic technology in cotton breeding. %K 转基因棉花,耐盐,抗旱
Transgenic Cotton %K Salt Tolerance %K Drought Tolerance %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=84449