%0 Journal Article %T 基于熵权–模糊综合评价法对农村新能源汽车市场渗透的评价——以湘西自治州为例
Evaluation of Rural New Energy Vehicle Market Penetration Based on Entropy Weight-Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method—Taking Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture as an Example %A 沈馨娅 %A 彭欣艳 %A 谢芷寒 %A 肖婷 %A 谭伟 %J Frontiers of International Accounting %P 166-173 %@ 2169-2580 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/fia.2024.132021 %X 针对农村新能源汽车市场渗透评价,利用熵权模糊综合评价法,从生产要素、区域内需求、相关及支持产业、政府政策竞争力四方面建立我国新能源汽车市场渗透评价模型并对我国湘西自治州农村地区农村新能源汽车市场渗透进行评价,得出相关结果,同时对如何解决农村新能源汽车市场渗透与推广的问题提出相关的建议,以助于促进乡村振兴并更好满足农村居民的机动化和绿色化出行,从而拓展农村新能源汽车市场。
In order to evaluate the market penetration of rural new energy vehicles, the entropy-weighted fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is utilized to establish China’s new energy vehicle market penetration evaluation model from the four aspects of production factors, intra-regional demand, related and supporting industries, and the competitiveness of government policies, and evaluate the market penetration of rural new energy vehicles in the rural areas of Xiangxi-Autonomous Prefecture of China, and draw the relevant results. At the same time, relevant suggestions are put forward on how to solve the problems of rural new energy vehicle market penetration and promotion to help promote rural revitalization and better meet the motorization and green travel of rural residents, so as to expand the rural new energy vehicle market. %K 熵权法,模糊综合评价法,农村新能源汽车,市场渗透
Entropy Weight Method %K Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method %K Rural New Energy Vehicle %K Market Penetration %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=84442