%0 Journal Article %T 煤槽无线电波Q值成像技术及应用
Radio Wave Q Value Imaging Technology and Application in Coal Trough %A 黄钧辰 %A 庞瑶 %A 李锡明 %A 胡泽安 %A 吴荣新 %J Mine Engineering %P 121-128 %@ 2329-731X %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/me.2024.122013 %X 无线电波勘探法是煤层工作面地质构造探查的常规地球物理手段之一。无线电波透视法通常采用单一频率的衰减系数进行探测,成像结果可以有效分析判识地质异常性质等问题,但不同的无线电波频率会影响衰减系数成像效果。为了更客观地分析判识地质异常性质,提出了与频率f无关的无线电波煤槽品质因子Q值参数。基于理论分析,利用多频透视场强数据和衰减系数参数,推导了煤岩介质品质因子Q的计算公式;采用有限元数值模拟方法,模拟分析了透射正常煤层时,多频无线电波透视场强值、衰减系数及Q值特征;证明了煤槽无线电波品质因子Q值不随频率变化。通过实测实验数据分析,验证了无线电波Q值成像方法的有效性,为多频无线电波探测的理论及应用提供了一个新的思路。
The radio wave prospecting method is one of the conventional geophysical means to explore the geological structure of coal seam face. The current radio wave perspective method usually adopts attenuation coefficient of a single frequency for detection. Although the imaging effect is good, it can effectively analyze and identify the nature of geological anomalies, etc., but different radio wave frequencies will change the imaging effect of attenuation coefficient. In order to analyze and identify the nature of geological anomalies more effectively, a parameter of radio wave coal groove quality factor Q value independent of frequency f is proposed. Based on theoretical analysis, the formula of quality factor Q of coal and rock medium under certain conditions is derived by using multi-frequency perspective field intensity data and attenuation coefficient parameters. Using the finite element numerical simulation method, the characteristics of perspective field intensity, attenuation coefficient and Q value of multi-frequency radio wave when transmitting normal coal seam are simulated and analyzed. It is proved that the quality factor Q of coal seam radio wave does not change with frequency. Through the analysis of experimental data, the effectiveness of radio wave Q value imaging method is verified, which provides a new idea for the theory and application of multi-frequency radio wave detection. %K 无线电波勘探,品质因子,衰减系数,煤岩模型
Radio Wave Exploration %K Quality Factor %K Attenuation Coefficient %K Coal-Rock Model %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=84477