%0 Journal Article %T 矿石成分检测结果误差校准方法综述
Summary of Error Calibration Methods of Ore Composition Detection Results %A 姜兰兰 %A 鲁海峰 %A 肖观红 %J Mine Engineering %P 129-133 %@ 2329-731X %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/me.2024.122014 %X 矿石成分检测是矿产资源开发和利用的重要环节,其结果的准确性对于资源的合理利用、提高生产效率和生产效益至关重要。然而,在实际应用中,矿石成分检测结果常常受到误差的影响,这可能导致生产过程中的不准确性和不稳定性。本文深入探讨了矿石成分检测误差的来源,包括采样、样品处理、分析方法、仪器和人员等因素。提出相应的误差校准方法,包括采样校准、样品处理校准、分析方法校准、仪器校准和人员校准等。通过这些误差校准方法的应用,可以有效地提高矿石成分检测的准确性和可靠性,为相关行业的可持续发展提供重要保障。
The detection of ore composition is an important link in the development and utilization of mineral resources, and the accuracy of its results is crucial for the rational utilization of resources, the improvement of production efficiency and production efficiency. However, in practical applications, the detection results of ore composition tests are often affected by errors, which may lead to inaccuracy and instability in the production process. This paper deeply discusses the sources of ore composition detection error, including sampling, sample processing, analytical methods, instruments and personnel. The corresponding error calibration methods are proposed, including sampling calibration, sample processing calibration, analytical method calibration, instrument calibration and personnel calibration, etc. Through the application of these error calibration methods, it can effectively improve the accuracy and reliability of ore composition detection, and provide an important guarantee for the sustainable development of related industries. %K 矿石成分检测,误差校准,准确性,矿产资源,经济效益
Ore Composition Detection %K Error Calibration %K Accuracy %K Mineral Resources %K Economic Benefits %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=84481